Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Essential Oils for Pregnancy, labor and birth

Essential Oils for Pregnancy, labor and birth

First of all Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils from Young Living are safe, organic and non toxic if used with common ‘scents’. In order to gain proper therapeutic effects with Essential Oils the importance of purity cannot be overstated! AFNOR/ISO standards are the highest in the industry and guarantee not only best quality but also best therapeutic effects!

This document was born from my own personal experience in using YL Oils for own  births as well as my years of experience as a birth doula seeing the resultsof the use of YL oils.

 The idea was to create a guideline on how to use Young Living therapeutic grade essential oils before, during and after birth.

 The information given here is meant to serve health professionals, as well as new parents, as a guideline to make more informed product choices. 

In this way the following ideas are not meant to serve as prescriptions to solve anybody’s symptoms, but are rather meant to be applied in a more comprehensive context. Always talk to your health care provider or midwife first.

If  you are not familiar with Young Living Essential Oils yet, please contact me:

For now here is a place begin…enjoy!

A general guideline is that you want to see responses take place relatively quickly with therapeutic oils. If nothing happens for a while after you’ve applied an oil, it might be wise to try another one that addresses a similar pattern and see if that does the trick.

Using EO's (Essential Oils) can be very self-empowering if we create the time and space inside ourselves and listen to our inner guidance.

We are all bio-logical individuals and respond therefore different to different stimuli.

Young Living Essential Oils  are safe to work with in general. Most oils could actually be used’ neat’ (undiluted) on almost all adults but please avoid contact with the eyes. Avoid using them on the genital area in general or if then only in diluted form. This applies for mucus linings like the genitals, as some oils might sting if not diluted with a carrier oil like YL’s V6 eg. or any other vegetable oil serving as a carrier oil. Furthermore, some people are more sensitive than others, so diluted an EO in such a case might be appropriate. Remember that Essential Oils are highly concentrated substances. Often it is not the amount of EO used at any given application but the frequency of application that matters, that means how often an EO is actually used, which creates its powerful results.

Natural remedies differ vastly from Western Medicine drugs because the strength EOs have comes often more through their ability in changing the ‘terrain’ than just treating an isolated single function.

Please also refer to the ‘YL User Guide’ Guidelines for further Safety information which comes with all of your first orders.

Some ideas:

Here is a list of ideas to work from. Follow your own intuition and inner guidance when you are in doubt or simply pick up the phone and call me or someone else you trust who knows how to work with YL Oils.

If no specifics are given please use your own common sense.

I wouldn’t go anywhere without these:

Valor AM and PM on the spine and/or bottom of the feet - for deep Central Nervous System relaxation and to enhance the action of all other YL Essential Oils used.

Ningxia Red - 1-2 oz. a day – general Anti-oxidant support

If the Immune System needs additional support:

Thieves a few drops on the feet at bedtime to support better immune function if it is called for.

To optimize intestinal function and in case of constipation

Comfortone – if tendency towards constipation exists

ICP – increase fiber for better bowel formation and movement

Essentialzyme – digestive enzymes taken before meals to improve digestion, which might be challenged at times during pregnancy.

After birth, anointing the baby

YL Frankincense – Apply on the whole body diluted as an ointment

        Eg.30drops in 1oz. Carrier Oil like YL’s V6 Oil

YL Trauma Life Blend (Helichrysum, Lavender, Valerian,

Sandalwood, Rose, Spruce, Geranium, Davana, Citrus hystrix)

Apply wherever the Trauma happened, head area etc. or simply on the crown and the feet right after birth.

        See also Trauma section

Back Pain

        YL Pan Away – on the area of pain, directly or diluted with a few

drops V6 or vegetable oil

        YL Valor, on the area

        YL AromaSiez, on the area

        See also Muscular Pain

Balance Energy Field

YL White Angelica Blend on shoulders to strengthen the Energy Bodies

YL Harmony Blend, applied on all 7 charkas and/or the spine for deeper balancing

        YL Valor Blend on the feet and/or spine to help the Nervous System to ‘unwind’

Bleeding (any type)

        Helichrysum - internally used depending on situation, talk to midwife

        TraumaLife (Helichrysum, Lavender, Valerian, Sandalwood, Rose,

                Spruce, Geranium, Davana, Citrus hystrix) – externally.

Blood Pressure

        If too low or too high during pregnancy or birthing:

        YL AromaLife Blend, I drop on the heart and inner wrist

        YL Clary Sage lowers if too high

Breast infection/ ‘milk fever’/mastitis – if breast aren’t emptied completely or when milk ducts get clogged or if breast-feeding is stopped abruptly.

Cold Compress up to hourly during the day with

                YL Geranium 1drop

                YL Lavender 1drop

                YL Rose     2drops

In 1.5 pints cold water, dip washcloth into it, squeeze excess water out and apply on breast

        If also fever associated with it:  Add Eucalyptus globulus foot bath to

                the program. 5 drops added to ½ tsp sea salt and added to water

Breech Babies

          Try Myrrh applied to the belly button, several drops rubbed onto the belly,

                repeated application might be needed.


        Massage legs every day with YL Cypress, YL Helichrysum and

YL Tangerine, each a couple of drops with a squirt of V6

        Carrier Oil or other vegetable oil

YL Ningxia Red juice, 1 oz. twice a day


        During labor: Diffuse YL Euc.globulus or Eucalyptus.radiata –

                Or YL Rosemary – all three decongest


To increase and strengthen them:

YL Clary Sage applied around the inside of the ankles and internally as needed, eg. 1 drop every half an hour


YL Roman Chamomile, compress on babies belly with 1 drop in bowl of warm water


        YL Rose – heals emotional trauma plus is rejuvenative to the

skin/tissue (also part of Trauma Life)

        YL Helichrysum – heals tissue trauma, stops bleeding (also in YL

Trauma Life Blend!)

        YL Idaho Balsam Fir  - one time 10 drops into ‘OO” capsule taken

internally to wean off pain medications

                after C-section

YL Believe Blend (Frankincense, Idaho Balsam Fir and Rosewood)

- wound healing, diluted on the area

        YL Lavender – prevention of scaring, skin healing

YL Trauma Life (Helichrysum, Lavender, Valerian, Sandalwood,

Rose, Spruce, Geranium, Davana, Citrus hystrix) – covers a large terrain of application

Dilation, if delayed

          YL Clary Sage, use orally 1 drop every 15 minutes or 6 drops and see

        what happens over the next couple hours, then repeat if necessary.

Diaper Rash

          YL Gentle Baby diluted 1:30 with YL V6 or almond oil


        YL Cypress and Tangerine, each one drop, repeat several times a day

drink Dandelion LEAF tea as well several cups a day

        Water Retention Massage Oil Blend:

YL Tangerine, 2 drops

YL Lemon, 1 drop

YL Cypress, 4 drops

YL Lavender, 4 drops

YL Geranium, 3 drops

Mixed into: 2 1/2 Tb.  almond oil, 1/2 Tb. jojoba oil

1 Evening Primrose oil capsule (approx. 10 drops)

This can be used all throughout pregnancy.  Relax on the sofa with your

legs raised on pillows.  Apply the oils to your feet, ankles and legs,

massaging toward your heart to help circulation.  The help of your partner would certainly be appreciated.

Emotional Support

        YL Forgiveness Blend – holding on to the past

YL Surrender Blend – to support in letting go

See also Fear, Panic, Trauma, Post partum depression, Self-esteem


        To strengthen energy:

YL En-er-gee Blend, 1 drop applied to each kidney (on the back, l drop over rib areas left and right) or on the bottom of both feet and/or on bottom of feet

        YL Rosemary, same as above or on the neck area

Episiotomy – see Perineum Care


        YL Peace & Calming – diffuse during labor

        YL Lavender – add to bath water at birth or diffuse it in the room

Group Beta Strep

        YL Thieves, 3 drops on soles of feet morning and night.

        YL Valor Blend on the spine, 5 drops distributed along the spine,

                morning and night

Heart Burn

        YL Peppermint internally 1 drop when needed

        YL Di-Gize on the belly, 3-4 drops directly for the mother

Combination of both works best!

Itching, vaginal

Sitzbath with 1 drop YL Rose and 1 drop YL Peppermint into a ½ tsp salt, added to the bath water


        YL Di-Gize – a few drops on the belly, diluted for babies to support

digestion and to prevent colic.

        YL Peppermint – internally one drop on the tongue for mother, on the                         bottom of the feet 1:10 diluted for babies


        YL Fennel oil 2 drops in honey water every two hours.


Early Labor – to halt labor

        YL Clary Sage 5-7 drops and/or Fennel

        YL Lavender, apply a few drops on the belly and wait and see –

calming and relaxing

        YL Peace & Calming Blend, apply on the heart and solar plexus, just

                1 drop or so or diffuse it.

Encourage labor: in general Jasmine and Clary Sage can be helpful.

Amount varies from case to case. Taking a drop of Clary Sage for

Example once every 15 minutes to an hour might do it.

Use Jasmine only externally as a fragrant, don’t use it internally.

During Labor:

4 drops YL Helichrysum

4 drops YL Fennel

2 drops YL Peppermint

5 drops YL Ylang Ylang

3 drops YL Clary Sage

1/2 oz. V6 carrier oil

Apply only after the labor starts.  Massage inside the ankles, on little

toes, little fingers and lower tummy and back.


        Or Frankincense, applied diluted around vaginal opening


Diffusing Blend:

40 drops YL Lavender

37 drops YL Frankincense

21 drops YL Ylang Ylang

20 Chamomile Roman

Diffuse in birthing room

        Or simply Single Oils that call you

Wash Cloth Blend:

10 drops YL Jasmine

5 drops YL Chamomile  Roman

5 drops YL Geranium

20 drops YL Lavender

Use in a bowl of water, swish a washcloth and use to cool mom's head and face.


        Afterbirth Blend:

10 drops YL Geranium

15 drops YL Jasmine

Use with a carrier oil to help expel placenta and tone the uterus.

Morning Sickness – see Nausea


Muscular pain

        YL AromaSiez Blend on sore muscle with a squirt of V6 or other

                vegetable oil

        YL OrthoSport Massage Oil – ready to go muscular and skeletal pain

                Formula, apply on location several times a day

        YL Rosemary – directly on muscles or with V6 carrier oil

YL Valor – directly on sore areas and/or on bottom of feet and/or on

        on spine.

Mouthwash/Oral Hygiene

        If sensitivity to breath smell of support team, have them take a

        sip of YL Thieves Mouthwash

        OR a drop of YL Peppermint and YL Lemon oil orally on the tongue


        Peppermint on the tongue, 1 drop at a time

        Lemon or other YL Citrus EOs in water, 5 drops to a quart keep

drinking all day long, purifies the lymph system

        Ningxia Red, 2 oz. a day


Perineum care

Avoid a possible Episiotomy:

      • Perineal massage prior to labor:
      • Blend of:

YL Clary Sage 5 drops and YL Rose 2 drops , in 1oz Wheatgerm oil.

      • Myrrh applied on the perineum diluted 1:10 with YL V6 carrier oil
      • YL Claraderm Spray after every time peat or several times a day on the perineum

                Three weeks before delivery:

8 drops Geranium

5 drops Lavender

1 oz. almond oil

Mix and rub on the perineum three times a day. This helps to soften the cervix and thins the membrane to get ready for delivery.

One Week Before Delivery:

8 drops Geranium

5 drops Lavender

5 drops Fennel

1 oz. almond oil

Apply this on the perineum to further get it ready.

Perineal massage once labor is well established

                Myrrh, few drops diluted in carrier oil (V6), 1:10

Perineal tear and trauma

·         YL Claraderm Spray - apply several times daily to hourly

·         YL Melrose Blend dilute 1:10 with vegetable oil and apply

·         Sitzbath with:

                        YL Cypress 2 drops

                        YL Lavender 3 drops

                                Add to 1/2tsp of salt and mix into bath water

        See also Episiotomy prevention



    • YL Peace & Calming Blend, apply on your body (chest, wrists) or diffuse in air fan or diffuser or use in bath
    • YL Lavender, same application

Post Partum Depression - often arrives with onset of lactation, one to four days after birth

    • Thyromin, 2-3 capsules at night to support thyroid gland function
    • Ultra Young Sublingual Spray to jump start pituitary
    • YL Jasmine bath, add a few drops into 1/2tsp of salt and mix into bath water or …
    • If you don’t have YL Jasmine, do the bath with YL Ylang Ylang o r YL Clary Sage
    • YL Rose , simply just smelling it or applying it on the body
    • YL Frankincense, diffuse or apply anywhere on the body, direct or diluted
    • Blend of:

YL Bergamot 2

                YL Ylang Ylang 2

                YL Clary Sage 2

                        Add to 1/2tsp of salt and mix into bath water



        Rose – invokes it, apply on chest


YL Believe Blend (Frankincense, Idaho Balsam Fir and Rosewood) – apply anywhere

        YL Valor Blend, apply on soles of feet or chest


dry in infants

        YL Rose 1 drop in 50 ml sweet almond oil

        itchy Skin Blend during pregnancy

4 drops Tangerine

4 drops Geranium

4 drops  Lavender

4 drops Cypress

3 drops Lemon

Added to 2 1/2 Tb. Almond oil

1/2 Tb. jojoba  oil

1 Evening Primrose capsule (approx. 10 drops)

1 Vitamin E capsule  (approx. 10 drops)

This oil can be used almost daily during pregnancy.

Apply it to wet skin after showering, especially on the growing belly. It may help in not having to experience the itch that most mothers speak of, plus it could be beneficial for stretch marks as well.


        YL Lavender, drop a few drops on you pillow or have a bath with it.

        YL Valor Blend on soles of feet at night before bed time

Sore nipples

        YL Rose, 1-2 drops in 20ml sweet almond oil or YL V6 Blend

Stretch marks


YL Tender Tush Ointment, apply a few times per day

YL Lavender in V6

YL Gentle Baby Blend in V6

YL Valor Blend, like it comes out of the bottle

I suggest you rotate Oils/Blends


Same as prevention, continue protocol

YL Gentle Baby Blend and Prenolone+ cream

also work well on stretch marks

Tiredness (see also Energy)

        YL Rosemary bath, 10 drop in a tsp of salt, added to the bath

        Invigorating massage oil blend


Rosewood 17

                Orange 6

                Geranium 2

                Add to 50ml vegetable oil like V6  


        Rose – Supports in strengthening Spirit

        Trauma Life – in physical and psycho-emotional trauma, can be

                Applied to the mother or child after birth, diluted 1: 30 with V6 

                on the baby

                Or directly on mothers whole spine and feet after birth

                See also Perineum tear/trauma

Umbilical Cord

        YL Myrrh, apply to end of umbilical cord for better healing, 1:10 with

                Carrier oil like YL’s V6


Uterine Tonics:

        Jasmine, Clary Sage, Frankincense, Ylang Ylang, Nutmeg

Water birth, during

        YL Peace & Calming or YL Lavender, mix 10 drops to bath with ½

        Tsp of salt added to bath water  - to relax

Water Retention – See Edema

* * *

Precautions in using ESSENTIAL OILS

  • Avoid Citrus oils on skin areas that are exposed to direct sun light during the day to avoid photo-sensitivities.
  • Dilute all Essential Oils for babies, when in doubt 1:30 with a carrier oil like YL’s V6.
  • Using Oils ‘neat’ that means undiluted will create a tendency for the skin to dry out easier. Using a carrier oil like V6 will create a more sustained effect and reduce the possibility for over sensitivities to occur, especially in newborn. Sensitivities to YL Essential Oils are seen very rarely. IF they are seen the cause is either that a different brand of chemically adulterated oils were used or because they were used in excess which simply overloaded the system. Or the oils used per to high in Phenols (eg. Oregano, Thyme)
  • We only recommend the use of Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils, as high quality standards (AFNOR – French Standards for Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils) are an essential prerequisite to gain therapeutic results without producing side effects.
  • Oils to AVOID during pregnancy:

Basil, Birch, Calamus, Cassia, Cinnamon bark, Hyssop, Idaho Tansy, Lavandin (a form of Lavender often sold in stores), Rosemary, Sage, Tarragon.

Here are some ideas for a Essential Oil Birth Kits (the reasoning for these can be found by getting more familiar with the above mentioned EO Reference Guide.

Note: If you have any specific issues that have been mentioned earlier please get these oils independently from the following recommendations.

Basic Birth Kit

Essential 7 Kit

        (Joy, Peace & Calming, Lavender, PanAway, Lemon, Purification)

         See the other attachment for more information on this!

Valor – to ‘unwind’ , relieves aches and pains, central nervous system


TenderTush Ointment – preventing stretch marks

Gentle Baby – comforting, soothing, , reducing stress during pregnancy,

preventing stretch marks and scars and for bonding with baby pre-

natally by rubbing it on the belly and later on by using it to prevent

diaper rash. Apply also on perineum for softening of it.

Clary Sage – support labor, relax, support and balance hormone levels

Claraderm Spray – Perineum preparation before birth and after birth for

        healing this it

Fennel – support with lactation, digestion, colic etc.

Essential Birth Kit

Basic Kit plus:

Trauma Life – any trauma to the mum or baby, physically or emotionally,

brain and nervous system balancing, most comprehensive oil in dealing with trauma, tissue healer.

Myrrh – softens Perineum during labor, analgesic, anaesthetic, heals

Umbilical cord ending of baby, immune support, spiritual uplifting, stimulates upper brain centers/master glands similar to Frankincense and more.

Comprehensive Kit

Essential Birth Kit plus:

Frankincense – great purifier, opens brain function, pituitary and pineal

gland, one of the most holy oils for anointing the newborn, help in any type of wound healing, enhance immune function and more.

Rose – the greatest healer on the psycho-emotional plane, helps with healing

trauma (also one of the TraumaLife ingredients), stabilizes moods especially during post partum, relaxing, anti-scaring. deepens bonding with baby and more.

Note: I believe that this is the greatest treat you can give a woman who enjoys fragrances. Note that it takes 5000 pounds of Rose PETALS to make just 1 pound of Rose EO! We are talking a truck loads here! Any Rose Oil that is cheap is basically garbage (sorry to say!) and therefore a hazard to your health! Please don’t use any Rose Oil if you aren’t sure about it’s purity.

DISCLAIMER: The information provided here is for educational purposes only, and is not intended as diagnosis, treatment or prescription for any disease. The decision to use, or not to use, any of this information is the sole responsibility of the reader. Also, any and all recommendations made only apply to YL Essential Oils!

If you have any questions or need assistance or like to place an order, please don’t hesitate to call me, I would be happy to help you!
Have a Grace filled day